Larger sales profits

Dzięki eliminacji dodatkowych opłat serwisowych, masz możliwość zwiększenia swojej marży.


With Evo tickets, you will achieve a significant increase in your sales profits. By eliminating additional service fees that often come with using external ticketing platforms, you can boost your margins.

This means that for every ticket sold, you generate a higher net profit. A high margin allows you to invest in the growth of your business, enabling you to organize more lucrative events.

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nad innymi bileteriami dostępnymi na rynku

Evotickets Online ticketing platforms
You promote your own brand. Promoting the brand of external ticketing systems.
No service fees or hidden costs. Additional service fees increase the nominal ticket price and contribute to the profit of the external system rather than benefiting the organizer.
The money from ticket sales goes directly to your account and is available immediately upon processing. The money from ticket sales is deposited into the ticketing platform's account and are paid to the organizer on a predetermined schedule.
Advanced analytics - both comprehensive internal sales reports and the ability to integrate with Google Analytics. Lack of Google Analytics integration makes it challenging to gain a precise understanding of sales sources and make data-driven marketing decisions.